Do You Have a Lead Service Line?
November 25, 2024
Many of you may have received a letter from the Village with a notice of Unknown Service Line Material or Galvanized Service Line Material and pamphlet regarding the water service line. Due to new requirements by the EPA the State of Nebraska is requiring a Lead Service Line Inventory to be maintained by all municipal water departments. Many of the privately owned water lines are unknown or undocumented on the material present. If you are able to identify your water line please complete the questions on the pamphlet you received and return to the Village Office. If you didn't receive a pamphlet, no need to do anything, your line has already been identified as non-lead! This will be an ongoing project to help identify all of the water lines in Stratton and your help is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions please reach out to Utilities Superintendent Petersen at 308-340-0149 or Clerk Hedrick at 308-276-2184.