Board Vacancy
January 22, 2025
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, due to Board Trustee Resignation, there will be a vacant seat on the Village of Stratton Board of Trustees.
A vacancy will exist on the Village of Stratton's Board of Trustees.
The term for the vacant seat of Village Trustee is through December 31, 2028. A qualified elector of the Village of Stratton shall be nominated as provided by law, by the Village Chairman, for approval by the Village board, to fill the vacancy. The nomination to fill the vacancy will be held during the February 18, 2025 meeting.
Any registered voter in the Village of Stratton that is interested in this position is asked to write a letter of interest to the Board of Trustees before February 14,2025.
Village of Stratton
P.O. Box 332
Stratton, NE 69043
Tara Hedrick, CMC
Village Clerk