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March 16, 2020 Minutes

April 02, 2020

A meeting of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday March 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm CT at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the meeting was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. A poster of the “Open Meetings Act” was clearly visible on the office wall, and Chairwoman P. McDonald directed the attention of those present to the poster. All proceedings hereafter shown occurred while the meeting was in session. Present: Chairwoman P. McDonald, Trustee F. Priddy, Trustee J. McDonald, Trustee T. Jones, Trustee J. Richardson, Superintendent K. League, and Clerk T. Hedrick.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.


OPEN FORUM: Chairwoman P. McDonald discussed some of the precautions that employees should take to protect themselves and the public during the COVID-19 outbreak. Clerk Hedrick will put out a notice to advise customers to avoid coming into the office or public works office if possible and will begin using the window to limit the traffic in the office.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by F. Priddy to approve the previous minutes, treasurers’ report and claims. Roll call: Unanimous Ayes. Motion Carried.



Discussion was held regarding the new Library and Village Office building. The Notice of Award of contract for bidder Steele’s Roofing and Construction was reviewed and signed. Superintendent League has been in contact with one of the sub-contractors, TK Ventures, regarding site prep. It was discussed that they could begin the project with-in the next two weeks. The board discussed the logistics of a ground breaking ceremony. The board will discuss the possibility closer to the beginning of construction. The ceremony may need to be postponed due to the 10 person limit currently in effect with the COVID-19 recommendations.


Chairwoman P. McDonald contacted Ben Dutton regarding information on purchasing radar signs for use in town. As of the date of the meeting she had not received any new information back.



Invoice #272 to Lakeside Sand & Gravel was discussed. Lakeside Sand & Gravel had sent a letter to the Village Office claiming that they were not responsible for the damages and therefore shouldn’t be accountable for the billed amount. The board discussed the incident and agreed that any property damage done is the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle that caused the damage. The board directed Clerk Hedrick to send a reply letter that stated this and request payment in full from Lakeside Sand & Gravel for the previously invoiced amount.


Motion made by T. Jones and seconded by J. Richardson to approve drawdown #8 for 18PW012 to Miller & Associates for General Administration Services. Roll call: Unanimous Ayes. Motion carried.


Motion made by J. McDonald and second by T. Jones to pass Resolution 484 authorizing and directing the Chief elected official and the secretary/Clerk to sign all documents as may be required in processing or completing the USDA, Rural Development Community Facilities Loan/Grant. Roll call: Unanimous Ayes. Motion carried.


Forms reviewed by the board, completed and signed by Chairwoman P. McDonald and Clerk Hedrick for application of USDA, Rural Development Community Facilities Loan/Grant.


Time Deposit Certificate 141042 was discussed. It was agreed to let the certificate renew for another eight months.


Customer complaint regarding the alley between Baxter and Bayard Street was reviewed. Superintendent League explained the situation of needing to keep the alley cleaned to allow water to properly flow down the street. The complaint stated that the slope of the alley causes damage to cars going onto the street from the alley. Board members stated that there are several places in town were low riding cars must slow down and proceed into the intersection at an angle. These slopes in the gutters of the streets are needed to allow for proper water flow. Superintendent League suggested to contact our Street engineer to get their opinion on the alley. The board agreed that this would be the best option and will review the situation once their assessment has been completed. In the meantime the residents using this alley should be reminded to obey current traffic laws which include coming to a complete stop in the alley prior to entering the street and reducing their speed to account for the slope of the intersection.


The property at 309 Hamilton was discussed. The dwelling has not been in compliance with the agreement that the building permit was approved for this property upon compliance of setback ordinances. The resident has also not put in a utility application and continues to use sewer service and is not hooked up to water service. Clerk Hedrick will send the owner of the property a letter to again remind them of the Village Ordinances regarding this and possible consequences.


Streets, Alleys, & Landfill Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Electricity Committee Report: An application for Assistant Utilities Superintendent was submitted. Superintendent League will set up an interview with the applicant.


Water & Sewer Committee Report: Superintendent League discussed the wastewater project and updated the board on the process of the project.


Finance Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Health & Welfare Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Park & Recreation Committee Report: There have not been any applications for pool employees, however there was one potential applicant that requested an application and information on the managers training.


The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


The next regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on Monday April 20, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Village Office.

March 16, 2020 Minutes

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