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December 20, 2021 Minutes

December 28, 2021

A meeting of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday December 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm CT at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the meeting was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. A poster of the “Open Meetings Act” was clearly visible on the board room wall, and Chairman J. McDonald directed the attention of those present to the poster. All proceedings hereafter shown occurred while the meeting was in session. Present: Chairman J. McDonald, Trustee T. Jones, Trustee J. Griffiths, Trustee, S. Hanes, Trustee M. McDonald, Utilities Superintendent K. League, Clerk T. Hedrick, Deputy Clerk D. Burk, Jon Schroeder with Schroeder and Schroeder P.C., and member of the public Wade Hanes.


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.



Attorney Schroeder reviewed the process of collecting judgement on the amount awarded in four County Court cases. Clerk Hedrick will work with Schroeder in proceeding with collection.


Clerk Hedrick reviewed parliamentary procedure with the board regarding how to properly make a motions. Questions were answered regarding approving minutes.


Utilities Superintendent League stated that he plans to go to water operator training in January and will be gone for a few days to attend.


Motion by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to approve the previous minutes with corrections, treasurers’ report and claims. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.



Snow removal Ordinance was reviewed. Attorney Schroeder stated that no other municipalities that he is aware of even allows the public to remove snow from Village streets and that if the Village does allow it to happen that they should require the individual to show proof of liability insurance.


Property access on Hartford Street was reviewed. Attorney Schroeder stated that he was still doing some research regarding municipality responsibility for providing access. Different options were discussed. Wade Hanes stated that he would be willing to pay up to half the cost of materials to create a passing on the north side of Hartford Street onto the property. Utilities Superintendent League will get prices for the materials and report back to the board on the proposed project.


The process of annexation of 503 County Avenue was discussed. Attorney Schroeder will assist with the public hearing and ordinance needed to begin the process.



Motion made by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to excuse the absence of S. Hanes from the November 15, 2021 regular board meeting. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion made by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to approve fence permit for 511 Bailey Street. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion made by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to approve building permit for 510 Scarber Street. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Briarwood Street was discussed. Information regarding the legal description and current ownership of the property will be forwarded to Attorney Schroeder.


Reporting employee hours and recording time off was discussed. Motion made by J. Griffiths and second by T. Jones to begin tracking hours using a time station app and submitting time off using the time off request form beginning January 1, 2022. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried. The process will be reviewed in March to assess the usefulness and implement any changes needed.


Bailey street lights were discussed. Utilities Superintendent League stated that he already replaced the eye that was causing the problems.


Board Reorganization:

Nominations were opened for Chairperson. J. Griffiths was nominated. With no further nominations, nominations were closed. Motion by T. Jones and second by J. McDonald to appoint J. Griffiths as chairperson. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Abstained J. Griffiths. Motion carried.


Nominations were opened for Vice Chair. T. Jones was nominated. With no further nominations, nominations were closed. Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. Griffiths to appoint T. Jones as vice chair. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Abstained T. Jones. Motion carried.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by T. Jones to select McCook National Bank as our Financial Institution. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by M. McDonald to retain Schroeder & Schroeder, P.C. as our Attorney. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by T. Jones to select Almquist, Maltzahn, Galloway & Luth, P.C. as our auditor. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by T. Jones and second by S. Hanes to select Miller & Associates Consulting Engineers, P.C. as our engineer. Roll call: Ayes: S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: M. McDonald. Motion carried.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by T. Jones to select Chris Miller License Number S-1091 Class A with Miller & Associates Consulting Engineers, P.C. as our street superintendent. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to appoint Tara Hedrick as Clerk and Treasurer. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by M. McDonald and second S. Hanes to select Hitchcock County News as our newspaper. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: T. Jones. Motion carried.


Motion by T. Jones and second by S. Hanes that the Village of Stratton Board of Trustees will meet at the Village Office at 411 Bailey in Stratton, NE in the conference room on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm unless it falls on a holiday, which the meeting will then be moved to the Tuesday following the third Monday. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by M. McDonald to have the following committee organization: Streets, Alleys & Landfill: J. McDonald and T. Jones; Electricity: M. McDonald and T. Jones; Water & Sewer: T. Jones and S. Hanes; Finance: J. McDonald and J. Griffiths; Health & Welfare: M. McDonald, J. McDonald, J. Griffiths and S. Hanes; Park & Recreation: M. McDonald and J. Griffiths. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion made by T. Jones to enter into executive session. Request made by T. Hedrick that she receive a public meeting regarding any conversation regarding herself. Motion made by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to provide no wage adjustments for this year. Discussion regarding wage adjustments was had. T. Jones withdrew his motion. Motion by S. Hanes and second by T. Jones to enter into executive session for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. T. Hedrick again requested a public meeting and challenged the continuation of a closed session as she believes the session was not clearly necessary for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried and the board entered executive session at 8:50pm. Motion made by T. Jones and second by S. Hanes to end executive session for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried and entered into open session at 9:02pm. Motion made by J. McDonald and second by T. Jones to give the following wage adjustments: Superintendent $300, Assistant Superintendent $125, Clerk $225, Deputy Clerk $125, Custodian $75 and Librarian $75. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by T. Jones to give the Superintendent a 2% increase in wage; the Clerk a $1.50 per hour increase in wage; the Deputy Clerk a $0.50 per hour increase in wages; the Custodian a $0.50 per hour increase in wage; and table the Assistant Utilities Superintendent wage increase until after the employee review at January’s regular board meeting. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by M. McDonald and second by T. Jones to contribute $500.00 to a flexible spending account each month for each full time employee beginning January 1, 2022. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Motion by S. Hanes and second by T. Jones to match up to 3% per employee retirement contribution. Roll call: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Streets, Alleys, & Landfill Committee Report: Utilities Superintendent League stated that he had not heard back on a quote to install the fence in the lot south of the Village Office so he may be completing it himself.


Electricity Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Water & Sewer Committee Report: A list of water meters that are still in need of repair were discussed. Board members will keep a copy of the list and review it again at a later date.


Finance Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Health & Welfare Committee Report: Residents east of the Village Office have been using the parking lot for personal use. Board members were concerned of the safety of the use as many small children have been seen playing in the lot. Utilities Superintendent League will discuss this issue with the resident.


Park & Recreation Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Motion made by T. Jones and second by S. Hanes to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Roll call: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


The next meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Village Office.

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