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September 19, 2022 minutes

September 27, 2022

A Public Hearing of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday September 19, 2022 at 6:45 pm CT at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the hearing was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. Present: Chairperson J. Griffiths, Trustee S. Hanes, Trustee M. McDonald, Trustee J. McDonald, Clerk T. Hedrick, Deputy Clerk D. Burk, Larry Steele with Miller & Associates, members of the public Doug Newcomb, Melissa Dailey, James Roe, Wade Hanes, Keta Rinne and Tyler Thiessen.


Chairman J. Griffiths declared Public Hearing for comments for the 1 & 6 year plan open at 6:48 pm. Larry Steele presented and reviewed the proposed 1 & 6 year improvement plan. Board members discussed adding armor coating to the six year plan on Hamilton Street from Bailey to Bonner and Bailey Street from Hitchcock to Railway. No other public comments were heard. Public Hearing was closed at 6:47 pm.



A Public Hearing of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday September 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm CT at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the hearing was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. Present: Chairperson J. Griffiths, Trustee S. Hanes, Trustee M. McDonald, Trustee J. McDonald, Utilities Superintendent D. Magley, Clerk T. Hedrick, Deputy Clerk D. Burk, Larry Steele with Miller & Associates, members of the public Doug Newcomb, Melissa Dailey, James Roe, Wade Hanes, Keta Rinne, Tyler Thiessen, and Louis Hoak.


Chairman J. Griffiths declared Public Hearing for comments for the Village Budget open at 7:00 pm. The Village budget was reviewed. Questions by the public were answered by the board. Concern regarding the need of conservative spending and the increase in budget was voiced by a public member. Clerk Hedrick explained that costs of many supplies and services has been increasing and the budget allows for the authority to spend the proposed budget, however the Village always looks to be conservative on all spending to stay under the budget. Public Hearing was closed at 7:08 pm.



A meeting of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday, September 19, 2022 immediately following the conclusion of the public hearing at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the meeting was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. A poster of the “Open Meetings Act” was clearly visible on the board room wall, and Chairman J. Griffiths directed the attention of those present to the poster. All proceedings hereafter shown occurred while the meeting was in session. Present: Chairperson J. Griffiths, Trustee S. Hanes, Trustee M. McDonald, Trustee J. McDonald, Utilities Superintendent D. Magley, Clerk T. Hedrick, Deputy Clerk D. Burk, Larry Steele with Miller & Associates, members of the public Doug Newcomb, Melissa Dailey, James Roe, Wade Hanes, Keta Rinne, Tyler Thiessen, Alexis Windecker, and Louis Hoak.


The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.



Member of the public Louis Hoak voiced his concern regarding water meters being properly metered. There were questions from the public regarding maintenance schedules on Village equipment as well as employment of part time help. Member of the public Melissa Dailey questioned where the Village limits was located and inquired about a business district regarding speed limits of traffic. Member of the public Alexis Windecker inquired about the water at their residence regarding the shut off for water repairs in the home. Utility Superintendent Magley stated he could begin work on it the end of the week and would need to dig up the water shut off to repair it. Louis Hoak inquired what had happened at the water well. There were concerns from the public on current Village water operator and a lightning rod at the well. Member of the public Wade Hanes voiced his concern that the prior regular board meeting minutes had stated that he made the comment regarding board authority rather than asking a question about board authority. Wade inquired about the board recording the meetings and voiced concern regarding the Clerk answering questions while also taking notes.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to approve the previous minutes, treasurers’ report and claims. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion carried. 



Tyler Thiessen, director of Hitch and Hay and Keta Rinne, assistant director of Hitch and Hay were present to answer questions for the Board regarding the operations of and budget of Hitch and Hay Public Transit. Motion by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to approve and pay the local match request for Hitch and Hay Public Transit.  Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion carried.   


Clerk Hedrick informed the board that Attorney Schroeder was still having resistance from the County making a recommendation regarding the annexation of property located east of Stratton. Attorney Schroeder had informed Hedrick that one option would be to create a local planning commission which could then make their recommendation regarding the annexation. Motion by S. Hanes and second by J. McDonald to begin the process to create a planning commission for the Village.  Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion carried.   


Ordinance to License, Limit and Feral Cats was tabled until Attorney Schroeder could be present in person at the Village meeting.


Property Access Request by Wade Hanes was tabled until more information could be obtained on feasibility of location.


Park and Recreation Hours of Operation/Use was tabled.


It was noted that the Vagrants Ordinance Proposal could be resolved by creating park and recreation hours of operation guidelines.


Outdoor shelter was tabled until more quotes on a structure could be obtained.


Concreate for west of the Village shop was tabled until quotes could be obtained.


Generator for water well was discussed.


It was noted that the trash rates were voted on at the prior regular meeting and to remain unchanged for the time being.


Speed study was discussed for highway 34 through Stratton. Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. McDonald to request a speed study from the Nebraska Department of Transportation. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion carried.   



Motion by J. McDonald and second by M. McDonald to excuse S. Hanes from the August 15th meeting and T. Jones from the September 19th meeting.  Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Abstain: S. Hanes. Motion carried. 


Motion by J. McDonald and second by M. McDonald to approve Resolution 512 Adoption of the 1&6 Year Street Improvement Program with the following changes to add armor coating Bailey Street from Hitchcock to Railway and armor coating Hamilton Street from Bailey to Bonner. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion carried.    


Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. McDonald to approve Resolution 513 authorizing Village Board Chairperson to sign the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion carried. Chairman J. Griffiths signed the Municipal Annual Certification of program compliance to Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards 2022.  


Motion by J. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to approve Resolution 514 to Approve 1% Budget Increase. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion Carried.

Resolution 514 to Approve 1% Budget Increase

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRPERSON AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF STRATTON, NEBRASKA: The Village Board of Stratton hereby approves an additional 1% increase on the total 2021-2022 fiscal year funds subject to limitation by law for the fiscal year 2022-2023.



Motion by S. Hanes and second by J. McDonald to approve Resolution 515 - Property Tax Request Resolution. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion Carried.

Resolution 515 – Resolution Setting the Property Tax Request

WHEREAS, Nebraska Revised Statute 77-1632 and 77-1633 provides that the Governing Board of the Village of Stratton passes by a majority vote a resolution or ordinance setting the tax request; and

WHEREAS, a special public hearing was held as required by law to hear and consider comments concerning the property tax request;

NOW, THEREFORE, Governing Body of the Village of Stratton, resolves that:

1. The 2021-2022 property tax request be set at $62,205.90.

2. The total assessed value of property differs from last year’s total assessed value by 1.65 percent.

3 The tax rate which would levy the same amount of property taxes as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of property, would be 0.450421 per $100 of assessed value.

4. The Village of Stratton proposes to adopt a property tax request that will cause its tax rate to be $.457735 per $100 of assessed value.

5. Based on the proposed property tax request and changes in other revenue, the total operating budget of Village of Stratton will increase (or decrease) last year’s budget by -12.33 percent.

6. A copy of this resolution be certified and forwarded to the County Clerk on or before October 15, 2022.

Dated this 19th day of September 2022.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to waive the three readings for Ordinance 210. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion Carried.

Motion by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to adopt Ordinance 210- 2022-2023 Budget Ordinance. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion Carried.

Ordinance 210- 2022-2023 Budget Ordinance



Section 1. That after complying with all procedures required by law, the budget presented and set forth in the budget statement is hereby approved as the Annual Appropriations Bill for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. All sums of money contained in the budget statement are hereby appropriated for the necessary expenses and liabilities of the Village of Stratton. A copy of the budget document shall be forwarded as provided by law to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, and to the County Clerk of Hitchcock County, Nebraska, for use by the levying authority.

Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval, and publication or posting as required by law.



Applications for Assistant Utilities Superintendent were discussed. Motion by S. Hanes and second by M. McDonald to hire Edward Barbour as the Assistant Utilities Superintendent at the rate of $13.00 per hour. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion Carried.


Applications for mowing position were discussed. Motion by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to hire Daniel Fox as part time/as needed mowing position. Roll call: Ayes: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. Griffiths, J. McDonald. Nays: None. Absent: T. Jones. Motion Carried.


The status of the trash truck repairs were discussed. Trustee S. Hanes stated that after the current repair was finished by Magley the truck should be scheduled for an inspection. It was noted that a purchase of a new trash truck was not in the current budget for the upcoming year. The board would like to look for quotes on cost of purchasing or leasing a trash truck for informational purposes.


Discussion regarding the REA pole on Railway Street and Beaver Avenue was had. An employee with the BNSF Railway had contacted the Village Office regarding concerns that the pole was blocking the lights on the railway crossing. The board discussed having the pole tested to determine the need to be replaced. Utility Superintendent Magley will contact a company to test several poles in town that are of concern.


Water usage at 205 Harford Street was discussed. The residents are concerned that the water reading seems too high. The meter has been rechecked several times and continues to consistently show high usage. The board would like Utility Superintendent Magley to work with the property owner to check into the possibility of a water leak.


The location of the electric meter for 510 Barton was discussed. The residents have made a complaint that the meter is located too high on the pole and they are unable to read it. Utility Superintendent Magley stated that he is able to read it and get an accurate reading. The board agreed to leave the meter in its current location.


Clerk Hedrick informed the board that there was an error made with summer electric rates for four utility account last summer and the current summer resulting in the customers being overcharged. She will be contacting these customers and issuing a credit back on the electric bills.


Employee Report: Overtime for Utility Superintendent was discussed. The board felt overtime was acceptable for the time being to finish up current project and catch up on routine tasks as long as it was noted what duties are being completed to merit the overtime hours.


Streets, Ally and Landfill Report: Nothing new to report.


Electricity Committee Report: Clerk Hedrick inquired if the board wanted to have insurance coverage for the street light poles along the highway. A total count of the poles was requested.


Water & Sewer Committee Report: Clerk Hedrick reported that insurance has covered the cost of the repair for the water well pump due to lightening damage.


Finance Committee Report: Rental rates for skid steer mower attachment were discussed. Clerk Hedrick informed the board that three payments were missing that were reported left in the payment drop box. After review of the security cameras it appeared that an individual had reached into the drop box. The angle of the cameras did not allow for any evidence that the payments were removed. The board would like quotes to install additional cameras. The drop box will also be altered to prevent it from opening far enough to allow someone to reach in.


Health & Welfare Committee Report: Clerk Hedrick requested assistance with completing the hazard mitigation plan questionnaire.


Park & Recreation Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Chairman J. Griffiths declared the meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm.


The next regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, October 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Village Office.


September 19, 2022 minutes

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