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October 17, 2022 Minutes

October 21, 2022

A meeting of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday, October 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm CT at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the meeting was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. A poster of the “Open Meetings Act” was clearly visible on the board room wall, and Chairman J. Griffiths directed the attention of those present to the poster. All proceedings hereafter shown occurred while the meeting was in session. Present: Chairman J. Griffiths, Trustee J. McDonald, Trustee T. Jones, Trustee M. McDonald, Trustee S. Hanes, Clerk T. Hedrick, Utilities Superintendent D. Magley, members of the public Wade Hanes, Melissa Dailey, Barbara Sydow, Kyle Sutton, Paul Johnson, Joni Johnson, Justine Richardson, Tim Robbins, Edward Barbour and Clyde Stout.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.


OPEN FORUM: No public comments.


Motion by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to approve the previous minutes, treasurers’ report and claims. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 



Motion made by M. McDonald and second S. Hanes to pass Resolution 516 Request Annexation and set hearing. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 


Property Access Request was discussed. An access on the north side of the property was discussed. Member of the public Justine Richardson stated her concerns of having a driveway from the north side of the property. Trustee Jones mentioned that there has yet to be a requested plan in writing from Wade Hanes on what he is wanting completed. With no objections the Village engineer will be contacted to give a recommendation on best options for the property access.


Proposed Ordinance to set license fee for cats, limit the number of cats, define owner and prohibit feeding feral animal was reviewed and discussed. There was concern on the ability to enforce and prosecute violations for the ordinance. Trustee Hanes stated that he believes the ordinance would be a good start to attempt to control the problem with feral cats. Motion made by S. Hanes and second by J. Griffiths to approve the first reading of Proposed Ordinance to set license fee for cats, limit the number of cats, define owner and prohibit feeding feral animal. Roll call: Ayes: S. Hanes, J. Griffiths. Nays: M. McDonald, J, McDonald, T. Jones. Motion lost.


Proposed Ordinance establishing hours of operation for Village Park and ballfield was reviewed and discussed. Motion made by M. McDonald and second by J. Griffiths to amend the closing time to 11:00pm. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by S. Hanes and second by M. McDonald to waive the three readings of the proposed Ordinance establishing hours of operation for Village Park and ballfield. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Abstain: T. Jones. Motion carried.  Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. Griffiths to adopt Ordinance establishing hours of operation for Village Park and ballfield. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Abstain: T. Jones. Motion carried. 


Outdoor Shelter at 409 Bailey was discussed. No new quotes have been received at this time. Discussion was had on spending the donation money on ground cover for the area rather than a shelter. Utilities Superintendent Magley stated he had leftover crushed granite that could be used for the ground covering. It was agreed that Magley would use the crushed granite for the ground cover and bids would continue to be requested for the shelter.


Concreate bids have not been advertised as Clerk Hedrick has not received the needed information. Trustee M. McDonald stated he would obtain the needed information and provide it to Clerk Hedrick this week.


Status and possible options for the generator for the water wells was discussed. Utilities Superintendent Magley stated that the portable generator is still located at the Village shop building and he believes that if there was a storm with power outage at the wells we would have sufficient time before the water tower was empty. There was concern of mice damaging wires if the generator was left at the water wells. Cost of repairing the old generator currently at the water well or purchasing a new generator was discussed. The board would like to inquire on emergency management grants that may be available or state contracts or surplus equipment that may be available.



Trustee S. Hanes stated he would make some contacts regarding electrical connection for the resident on First Street.


There was a public request for use of the ballfield for events. The requester was not present at the meeting. The board would like more information about the proposed events.


Information on a proposal for radio read water meters was reviewed. Motion by S. Hanes and second by T. Jones to purchase as bid. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 


Proposal for security cameras was reviewed. Motion by S. Hanes and second by J. McDonald to purchase cameras as proposed. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 


With no objection Addendum- Standardized System of Annual Reporting Roads and Streets Certification was approved and signed by Chairman J. Griffiths.


The two way stop at Hamilton and Bristol Street was discussed. Motion by M. McDonald and second by S. Hanes to remove the west bound stop sign on Hamilton Street. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Abstain: T. Jones. Motion carried.


Chairman Griffiths had spoken with employees from Southwest Public Power District regarding the work completed during the power outage earlier this month. They informed the Village that the work went well and they would be coming back this spring to complete more work. During this time the power would need disconnected for approximately five hours. More details for the outage will be discussed as the time draws near. They also noticed that there are some cutouts and preventative items that should be completed on our substation. They suggested that a good time to complete these may be while the power was off already for the other work on Southwest Public Power District’s equipment. Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. Griffiths to obtain quotes for the substation repairs. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, S. Hanes, M. McDonald, T. Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.


The City of McCook sent correspondence that their tipping fees at the Transfer Station would increase from $67.00/ton to $77.00/ton effective October 1, 2022. There were concerns from members of the public with rate increases when trash is not currently being picked up by the Village on the scheduled days. Board members would like to obtain quotes from trash hauling services to service the town of Stratton.


It was inquired if there was anything in place to record maintenance on the equipment. Utilities Superintended Magley stated there was an items needing maintenance list started but no log of completed items. The board was in agreement that a record log should be kept and instructed Magley to start one for each piece of equipment.


It was inquired if there was a log to record when and what equipment fuel and diesel where used for out of the tanks by the Village shop. No record has been kept at this time. The board was in agreement that a usage log should be kept and instructed Magley to start one.


The board inquired how effective the work orders have been. Employees stated the work orders have been effective when used. The board would like to continue to utilize the work orders for all public requests and have a report of all incomplete or in progress work orders at each regular board meeting.


Employee Report: Motion by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to enter executive session to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session entered at 8:26 pm to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Motion by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to leave executive session for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and enter back into open session. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Open session entered at 8:34 pm. Clerk Hedrick inquired about the status of employment for the Assistant Utilities Superintendent as not all required documentation has been provided by the individual. It was agreed that employment would not take place until all documentation has been submitted. The individual was approved to volunteer until such time if they chose to. If not all documentation has been received by two weeks from this date a special meeting will be needed to determine employment for Assistant Utilities Superintendent.


Streets, Ally and Landfill Report: It was noted that the grass dump needed some maintenance. Board members inquired about the need for Railway Street to be armor coated. Utilities Superintendent Magley stated that he was planning to complete some sewer repairs on that street prior to armor coating taking place.


Electricity Committee Report: Trustee T. Jones stated that some street lights needed turned back on that had been disconnected. Inspection of REA poles and the purchase of new poles was planned.


Water & Sewer Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Finance Committee Report: Clerk Hedrick advised that there has been fraudulent charges on one of the Village credit cards issued to Utilities Superintendent Magley. The fraud has been disputed, card cancelled and a replacement card is on its way. Utilities Superintendent Magley presented a quote for a backhoe. The board would like to see more quotes from other companies.


Health & Welfare Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Park & Recreation Committee Report: Utilities Superintendent Magley stated the sprinklers have been turned off at the village park for the season.


Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. McDonald to adjourn the meeting. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm.


The next regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Village Office.

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