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November 21, 2022 Minutes

December 06, 2022

A meeting of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was held on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm CT at the Village Clerk’s Office. Notice of the meeting was posted and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. A poster of the “Open Meetings Act” was clearly visible on the board room wall, and Chairman J. Griffiths directed the attention of those present to the poster. All proceedings hereafter shown occurred while the meeting was in session. Present: Chairman J. Griffiths, Trustee J. McDonald, Trustee T. Jones, Trustee M. McDonald, Trustee S. Hanes, Clerk T. Hedrick, Assistant Utilities Superintendent E. Barbour, members of the public Wade Hanes, Charles Hall, Barbara Sydow, Robert Gerold, Tami Jo Jesch, Doug Newcomb, and Attorney Jon Schroeder.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.


OPEN FORUM: Wade Hanes addressed the board regarding a question with why a ditch was being filled in with gravel and dirt. Barbour explained he was trying to prepare for mowing. Trustee M. McDonald stated we could spray the ditch not mow. Wade Hanes stated that he hoped the new board members coming on would make more decisions and not table as many items. He also stated concern that there was confusion on a ditch for electrical connection and with multiple individuals talking at once it was hard to understand and creates confusion on what’s passed by the board.


Motion by J. McDonald and second by M. McDonald to approve the previous minutes, treasurers’ report and claims. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, M. McDonald, S. Hanes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 



Chairman J. Griffiths declared the public hearing regarding annexation of 503 County Avenue open at 7:09pm. Charles Hall addressed his concerns regarding plans to annex the surrounding properties. Board members explained that only the land with Village provided utilities is being looked at for annexation at this time. Village Attorney Jon Schroeder noted that land plat has been received by the Village Clerk’s Office and noted that the Village of Stratton has no planning commission in which to submit for review. Schroeder explained the next steps in the annexation process to the board. No other comments from the public. Chairman J. Griffiths declared the public hearing closed at 7:23pm.


Property Access Request was discussed. Wade Hanes addressed the board with his concerns and views on the access regarding city access on roads and easements. Attorney Schroeder stated that he’s under the opinion that the property owner is responsible to pay for the access and the Village is not responsible to provide access. Trustee M. McDonald suggested providing a temporary access across the ditch. Schroeder noted that the Village should have engineer approval for any changes to roadways, even temporary. Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. McDonald to have a survey completed from Boyle to Hartford at the Village expense. Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. McDonald to amend the motion to Boyle from Hartford to Hamilton. Roll call on amendment: Ayes: M. McDonald, J. McDonald. Nays: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, S. Hanes. Motion failed. Roll call on original motion: Ayes: M. McDonald, J. McDonald. Nays: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, S. Hanes. Motion failed. Schroeder suggested checking with a title company regarding easements. Trustee Jones stated he would like a drawn out request of where Wade Hanes would like the proposed access. Motion by M. McDonald second by J. Griffiths to contact engineer for consultation after request in writing from Wade Hanes regarding property access. Roll call: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, T. Jones, J. Griffiths. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Ballfield Rental request was addressed. Tami Jo Jesch as long term member of ballfield association and Recreation Club advised that the Recreation Club was not associated with the request for barrel races. She also expressed her concern regarding potential damage to bases and needed repair when the ball field was to be used again for its intended use. Clerk Hedrick advised that this was the second meeting in which the individual with the request had not been present at the meeting. Motion by S. Hanes and second by T. Jones to remove the request from the agenda. Roll call: M. McDonald, S. Hanes, J. McDonald, T. Jones, J. Griffiths. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Trash service bids were reviewed. Robert Gerold presented a bid and information from Waste Connection and answered questions from the board. The board reviewed a bid submitted from the Village of Trenton. The board discussed options of continuing using the current trash truck. Board would like to consider after the first of the year.


A bid for an outdoor shelter was reviewed. The board agreed the amount was more than they would like to spend.


Having concrete by the Village Office fence was discussed. Tabled until after beginning of the year.


No concrete bids were received. Tabled until after beginning of the year.


No new information regarding generator for water well has been received. Trustee M. McDonald would like a permanent generator rather than relying on the portable generator. More information is needed regarding cost.


A new bid was received for radio read meters what would allow electric meters to be read as well. Utilities Superintendent Magley was not present to provide the information regarding the radio read meters. Clerk Hedrick reviewed the information she had received from the venders and the difference from the prior quote. Board members requested that a representative present information at a future board meeting.




Motion by M. McDonald and seconded by J. Griffiths to approve Resolution 517 signing of the Year-End Certification of Street Superintendent. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, S. Hanes, M. McDonald, T. Jones. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Motion by M. McDonald and seconded by S. Hanes to renewal time deposit certificate 141042. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, S. Hanes, M. McDonald, T. Jones. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Water and Sewer rate studies completed by Randy Heilbush from Nebraska Rural Water Association were reviewed. Clerk Hedrick advised that current rates would not cover current expenses and the rate study suggested rate increases to both water and sewer. No action was taken.


Trash complaint was acknowledged and the board agreed was already addressed.


Employee Report: Motion by T. Jones and second by M. McDonald to enter executive session to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session entered at 8:50 pm to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Motion by M. McDonald and second by J. McDonald to leave executive session for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and enter back into open session. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Open session entered at 9:00 pm.

Motion by S. Hanes and second by T. Jones to terminate current Utilities Superintendent effective immediately. Roll call: Ayes: S. Hanes, J. McDonald, T. Jones, J. Griffiths. Nays: M. McDonald. Motion carried.

Work orders and maintenance log status were discussed. Assistant Utilities Superintendent Edward Barbour stated that he had logs started and currently working on reading meters.

Edward inquired about pay for the time prior to going to volunteer status when documentation had not been provided. Clerk Hedrick and Attorney Schroeder will look into payroll laws and pay accordingly.

Clerk Hedrick explained the current payroll schedule and requested that it be altered in order to only pay for hours already worked rather than an estimate of the final day of the pay schedule. Motion by S. Hanes and second by J. McDonald to change the payroll to report the last working day of the month until the 14th on the 15th and to be paid two business days following and report the 15th to the second to last business day of the month on the last business day of the month to be paid two business days following. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

Changes and updates for the employee handbook were presented. Attorney Schroeder recommended sending the suggestions to an employment expert to review prior to making any changes. Clerk Hedrick will forward the information for review.

Motion by T. Jones to go into executive session to complete employee evaluations. Clerk Hedrick requested open session regarding her evaluation. Motion withdrawn to go into executive session. Evaluations were completed for all full time employees. Board would like to see the two current full time employees both attend water operator training when available.

An application for employment was received. Motion by M. McDonald and second by T. Jones to hire Michael Petersen at $25.00 per hour and increase to $26.00 per hour after receiving water operator certification. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, J. McDonald, T. Jones, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion Carried. With no objection it was agreed to start Michael with three weeks of vacation time rather than two weeks.


Streets, Ally and Landfill Report: Trustee T. Jones stated that Railway Street needs millings and armor coat next time we start a project.


Electricity Committee Report: The board would like to have REA poles inspected and replaced as needed.


Water & Sewer Committee Report: Clerk Hedrick advised we are in a level II assessment due to not taking follow up samples on a positive routine sample.


Finance Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Health & Welfare Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Park & Recreation Committee Report: Nothing new to report.


Motion by M. McDonald and second by T. Jones to adjourn the meeting. Roll call: Ayes: J. Griffiths, T. Jones, J. McDonald, S. Hanes, M. McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:51 pm.


The next regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Village Office.

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